EKA Limited is the leading specialist in military vehicle recovery systems, winch installations and chassis integration.
EKA's existing contract with the MOD was being renewed as a Single Source Contract.
The MOD has strict terms and conditions around Single Source Contracts.
The tender process is not a quick and easy job, and EKA's team were already at capacity.
Mauriteft Consulting provided procurement expertise.
Matt Bulley, Mauriteft Consulting's MD, worked to identify and advance to the MOD the allowable costs and profit percentage for EKA for the bid document.
A specialist quality management system consultant was brought into the team to ensure the bid was fully compliant with the latest bid rules and would pass an audit.
EKA’s Single Source Contract application was accepted on first submission by the MOD.
The company has been awarded a 5 year contract worth more than £5 million in revenue.
Mauriteft Consulting is now working with EKA on a retainer basis to make introductions within the defence industry.
“My Program Manager was already at capacity. There were not enough hours in the day to take on a Single Source contract as well.
It was a choice between diverting the team from other important activities or getting someone in to help.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
EKA is one of very few companies in the UK which is able to repair a highly specialised piece of equipment in military vehicles. Their five year contract with the Ministry of Defence (MOD) was coming to an end and they were invited to tender for the Single Source Contract.
As the MOD is funded by the taxpayer, there are strict rules around the allowable costs included in the contract. Suppliers cannot be seen to charge an inflated or uncompetitive rate, but neither do they want to undercharge for their products and services.
EKA was already under increased workload pressures due to the war in Ukraine. The team was at capacity and they knew that a Single Source Contract was not a quick or easy job.
Choosing the right person was critical too.
"A Single Source Contract is important to the business, it underpins the work we do. If we don’t get it, the MOD lose kit, it is damaging to the brand, and it’s damaging to me as a Managing Director
If I choose the wrong person to support us in the bid, we’d be in a worse position than when we started and it calls my judgement into question.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
EKA needed a procurement expert with Single Source Contract experience: Enter Matt Bulley and Mauriteft Consulting.
“If you’ve got an issue, go to the experts at every opportunity: That’s how I run my business and it makes it thrive.
It was quite clear that Matt was an expert in his field.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
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“Matt Bulley’s expertise meant that the application question was answered correctly the first time. As a business, we were not caught up in the duckweed longer than we needed to be.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited

Matt Bulley, Managing Director of Mauriteft Consulting, was instructed to prepare the bid document for the Single Source Contract.
He had the experience and credentials to set him apart from other procurement professionals.
“Matt’s background as MD at Caterpillar gave him credibility. He was realistic and honest with his promises. He said “this is what I can do. This is what I can’t do.” That’s far more important than someone who says “yes, I can do it all”. It gave me confidence: I wasn’t simply employing a consultant who would overpromise
His approach gave me the reassurance to give him access to the inner sanctum, the profit costs of EKA, and the autonomy to gather the evidence required to support our application.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
Matt’s first task was to understand EKA as a business, their historic pricing structure and how they previously reached the selling price for the contract. Given the strict time frame, time was of the essence.
EKA securely shared historical information and financial accounts. Matt then went through them to identify and allocate allowable costs to the contract as specified by the MOD.
This included direct and indirect overheads, right down to the number of hours the contract work consumed, the amount of workspace taken up in the factory, as well as employees’ time.
“Matt is not a one trick pony. He doesn’t just regurgitate information.
He looks at the accounts, information and complex figures, and then questions those that need clarification so as to be accepted under the terms of the contract.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
The key was to reach a fair and dependable number that they could put into the Single Source Contract pricing. Once Matt had unpicked this contract and its allowable costs from the rest of EKA, he could present a percentage profit which fell within the Single Source guidelines.
Matt also brought on board a Quality Management Systems consultant to ensure that the contract would withstand an audit.
Matt wrote the document which explained the reasoning behind the figures, as part of the overall submission prepared by other members of the EKA team, Finance Director Kathy Shoesmith and Sales Program Manager Andy Kelly.
"Working with Matt was a huge time saver. He is succinct, to the point and delivers.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
The Single Source Contract bid was accepted on first submission, with positive feedback from the MOD’s contracting team.
EKA has now secured the contract.
“Matt’s expertise meant that the application question was answered correctly the first time. As a business, we were not caught up in the duckweed longer than we needed to be.
“It’s off the desk. We carry on as we were. I can now go hunting for more contracts. That’s the difference that having an expert in the field makes.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
Since the Single Source Contract was accepted, EKA has been working with Matt Bulley and Mauriteft Consulting on a retainer basis. He is introducing them to new connections in the defence industry.
“As a result of Matt’s personality and his succinctness in identifying issues and areas of exploitation, I was content for him to carry the EKA name.
Access to his little black book is worth having.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
The relationship is symbiotic.
“He works with us because we are a good defence company with good contracts and good work. With Matt, I have someone who is respected within the industry that has relationships that perhaps I don’t.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
This Single Source Contract is five years long.
“When the contract is up for renewal, we’ll do it all again. I’ll say “Matt, we need the Single Source Contract renewing” and six months later he’ll say “I’ve done it.”
Managing Director, EKA Limited
Get your Single Source Contract accepted, first time
If you need extra support with a Single Source Contract, Mauriteft Consulting knows how to help.
Get your free 30 minute consultation.